3 research outputs found

    Alternancia volumétrica

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    Trabajo de gradoLa idea de este trabajo es brindar una mirada más clara sobre el verdadero camino en el desarrollo de un proyecto, no solo pensar en una función sino en los conceptos que arman la totalidad del proyecto, en muchas ocasiones hemos visto proyectos arquitectónicos que se catalogan como diseños agradables y estéticamente deslumbrantes, pero cuando intentamos indagar el cómo surgió la idea, aparecen las dudas que se debieron resolver antes de realizarlo.PregradoArquitect

    Arquitectura redonda no século XX

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    [Resumo] A arquitectura redonda é invisible nas cidades, e correspóndese con edificios moi singulares, ben polo uso, situación ou significado. Parecía que existían poucas arquitecturas redondas, foi o que nos animou investigar. Paseniñamente nos decatamos do erro. Modificamos o enfoque do traballo. ¿por qué tendo un subsolo cheo de restos redondos, se fan soamente edificios prismáticos? ¿qué cambeou? ¿qué ventaxas ten? Pártese da constatación que estamos rodeados de formas redondas. As primeiras casas foron redondas en todos os climas do mundo. Co avance histórico da civilización urbana as casas redondas se abandoaron. A historia da civilización occidental soamente utilizou edificios prismáticas, agás en casos singulares. Co século XX, aparecen as primeiras casas redondas, por igualitarismo, distinción, experimentación ou funcionalidade. Será despois da guerra, no clima febril da reconstrucción, cando agromen numerosas arquitecturas redondas. Seguen tres liñas conceptuais: - Cambio do paradigma arquitectónico coa xeración Team X, contando culturas locais e historia. - Arquitectura orgánica, concebindo a casa como un organismo vivo integrado no hábitat natural. - Impulsos renovadores na técnica complementados coa aparición de materiais lixeiros. Creación do exoesqueleto fronte ao esqueleto interno. O redondo aparece nuns emprazamentos mais que noutros e determinados usos sonlle máis propícios. A técnica constructiva axuda definir obras, pero son razóns semánticas as que deciden que será redonda. Conclúese comprobando que as arquitecturas redondas limítanse a oito tipos formais diferentes. O que desvela a parte débil desta xeometría, ten menos recursos que a prismática. Pola contra é máis intensa e acompaña os anceios de perfección.[Resumen] La arquitectura redonda es invisible en las ciudades, se corresponde con edificios muy singulares, por uso, situación o significado. Parecía que existían pocas arquitecturas redondas, fué lo que nos animó investigar. Poco a poco nos dimos cuenta del error. Modificamos el enfoque del trabajoo. ¿por qué teniendo un subsuelo lleno de restos redondos, se hacen solamente edificios prismáticos? ¿qué cambió? ¿qué ventajas tiene? Se parte de la constatación que estamos rodeados de formas redondas. Las primeras casas fueron redondas en todos los climas del mundo. Con el avance histórico de la civilización urbana las casas redondas se abandonaron. La historia de la civilización occidental solamente utilizó edificios prismáticos, excepto en casos singulares. Con el siglo XX, aparecen las primeras casas redondas, por igualitarismo, distinción, experimentación o funcionalidad. Será despues de la guerra, en el clima febril de la reconstrucción, cuando aparezcan numerosas arquitecturas redondas. Siguen tres lineas conceptuales: - Cambio del paradigma arquitectónico con la generación Team X, contando las culturas locales y la historia. - Arquitectura orgánica, concebiendo la casa como un organismo vivo integrado en el hábitat natural. - Impulsos renovadores en la técnica complementados con la aparición de materiales ligeros. Creación del exoesqueleto frente al esqueleto interno. Lo redondo aparece en unos emplazamientos mas que en otros y determinados usos le son mas propícios. La técnica constructiva ayuda definir obras, pero son razones semánticas las que deciden que será redonda. Se concluye comprobando que las arquitecturas redondas se limitan a ocho tipos formales diferentes. Lo que desvela el talón de aquiles de esta xeometría, tiene menos recursos que la prismática. Pero es mas intensa y acompaña los deseos de perfección.[Abstract] The round architecture is invisible in cities; it corresponds with unique buildings, by use, situation or meaning. It seemed there were little round architectures; it was what aim us to research. Gradually we realized the error and we modify the approach to work. Why only binoculars buildings are built having a basement full of round remains? What has changed? What are the benefits? We start realizing that round shapes are surrounding us. The first houses that were built, were round in all climates of the world. With the historic breakthrough of urban civilization, round houses were abandoned. The history of Western civilization only used binoculars buildings, except in special cases. With the twentieth century, reappear the first round houses, by egalitarianism, distinction, experimentation or functionality. It will be after the war, in the febrile atmosphere of reconstruction, when many architectures reappear round. Followed by three conceptual lines: ‐ Changing the architectural paradigm with Team X generation, counting local cultures and history. ‐ Organic architecture, designing the house as an integrated living organism in a natural habitat. ‐ Renovating impulses in the technique complemented by the appearance of lightweight materials. Creation of the exoskeleton against the internal skeleton. The round architecture appears at locations more than others do and some uses are more accurate. The construction technique helps to define works, but semantic reasons are the ones that decide to be round

    Arquitecturas matéricas

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    The "Material Architectures" PhD thesis is comprised of five parts: 1- An introduction to the formulation and the objective of the PhD thesis . I.e. an interrogarion of the qualities of Matter in the configuration of Form . 2- Devoted to understanding Matter and its involvement in the making of architecture. 3- An analysis . reflections and extraction of concepts from seven selected works of Peter Zumthor. 4- The conclusions . 5- An epuilogue. The Ihesis is structured as follows : 1.- The first part expounds the genesis of the interrogation. namely the interest in understanding the planning process with Matter in "oposition" to a proliferation of "visual" architecture. The interest in Matter is focused through its participation in architectural Form . In the socalled "Material Architectures" the presence of Matter is embodied in the project's premise; a fact attributed to the momentum of the "intellectual approach" to Matter. the main objective of the research. and which the conclusions must account for. 2.-The second part is a preparation for the "momentum of the approach". To this end, the fields of understanding of the subject are reviewed. This is addressed through some basic concepts. The core premises are based on acceptance of the structural nature belween Matter and Form . On the basis of this consideration. the research explores two reference fields: Language and Space. regarding Language. the equivalences between architectural form and linguistic propositive structures are shown. The objective is to endorse the application of certain concepts from the field of poetic imagination and semiology. Wlth regard to Space, some basics on the idea of "topoi". spatial patterns and systems of representation are expounded. The aim is to introduce the terms applied in the analysis of lhe selected works . Following the exposition of the reference fields, two blocks are devoted to Ihe Matter in question; the first one is devoted to knowledge of the matter as such, and the second to its value throughout historical thinking. The first block is divided into four cognitive sections. Physics, Morphology, Metaphysics and Phenomenology. The second block comprises a brief historical overview of how Matter has been approached in the different periods of Architecture. 3.- Following the introductory chapters, the body of the research is developed in the third parlt The seven works chosen are addressed in three blocks : The Shelters (Chur and Kolumba). The Chapels (Saint Benedegt an Bruder Klaus) ant The Diaphragms (Luzi House. Vals an Bregenz). Strictly speaking, they have not been grouped chronologically or thematically. but rather in such a way as to provide the possibility of extracting ideas and concepts about the approaches . By way of a preview to illustrate these relationships, we might say that The Shelters explores the contribution of Matter to the inauguration of a "place"; The Chapels explores the relationship between Phenomenology and Matter. largely propitiated by the transcendence of the commision; and finally, The Diaphragms group deals with the relations hip between Matter and its "topological potential" 4.- The fourth part contains the conclu sions of the thesis . This phenomenon propitiates the identification of so-called "coordinates of approach to Matter" The thesis shows that, just like when we approach a place we so so in the basis of spatio-temporal parameters, similarly, when we approach Matter "intellectually". we do so using other calegories : Topology. Phenomenology and Physicality are revealed as the "coordinates of approach to Matter". And consequently. as the final conclusion of the thesis and as the intended contribution to the Project Theory.Thus, the "MATERIAL ARCHITECTURES" tille indicates architectural embodiments wich reveal the conclusions drawn in the PhD thesis . 5.- The fifth part is an epilogue by the author of the research. Broadly speaking, this is the document's roadmap